Monday, February 6, 2012

Hospice Care

Hospice. Even the word makes many of us cringe. It should not. As we age and need care, hospice care offers an alternative to expensive and often invasive hospital care. If the diagnosis is terminal, it can be a positive thing to switch the focus from a pure focus on healing the body to a focus on quality of life and mental health.
Everyone dealing with a terminal illness due to health or age, should consider hospice care as an option that takes in their physical health, but not at the cost of comfort or quality of life. It can be difficult, but consider the advantages. The time remaining can be spent with some care, but also with a focus on your family, friends and other loved ones.
This is not something to dismiss lightly. Too many people grasp to a hope of recovery that is akin to winning the lottery. While hope is always good, admitting to the truth of a situation can set you free.
With some time remaining, you can spend the time receiving counseling, support, comfort for symptoms, and spend time with those you care about.
Depending on your individual diagnosis and outlook, this can be a positive experience.